
What We Do

We offer engineering services and supplies, project management consultancy, food and distribution, logistics and transport with EPX and Kargo National transport fleet, staff with extensive experience and a management team that believes in personal service.

Engineering Services & Supplies

Project Management Consultancy

MSABS Foods and Distributions

MSABS Logistics & Transport

100% Black SA Owned company

B-BBEE Level 1

Engineering Services & Supplies

MSABS Engineering Services & Supplies offers custom-designed systems to solve bulk handling and dust control issues.

MSABS Foods and Distributions

Transportation, storage,  of food as well as activities related to household purchasing power, traditions of food use (including child feeding practices), food exchanges and gift giving and public food

100% Black SA Owned company

100% black owned company aims to become SA’s automotive supplier of choice

Project Management Consultancy

We brings specialized knowledge and skills that empower businesses to make informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of a project, from the planning stage to completion

MSABS Logistics & Transport

 the leading international professional body for everyone within logistics and transport.

B-BBEE Level 1

EMEs and QSEs that are 100% Black-owned are deemed to have a Level 1 BBBEE status, and EMEs and QSEs that are 51% Black-owned are deemed to have a Level 2 BBBEE status.